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Welcome to FieldAR

The Most Powerful AR+BIM App for Construction

Our Mission

The FieldAR team intends to democratize Building Information Modeling (BIM) by making it easily accessible and free to use for everyone on the job site; before, during, and after construction is complete.


Our cutting-edge augmented reality app enables BIM managers, construction professionals, and even facilities management staff to seamlessly link coordinated BIM with real-world job sites.


By simply scanning a QR target, users can view, interact with, and create markups on the BIM model, enhancing quality control and assurance during systems installation, renovation or post-construction maintenance. This process is streamlined through our integration with Autodesk Navisworks and Revit for ease of BIM updates during pre-construction, BIM coordination, and after the project is built.


We believe in providing a single source of truth for all construction project stakeholders, thereby improving efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration. While enterprise-level projects are supported by a paid model for project management staff, our commitment ensures that every individual on site has free access to crucial BIM data. With FieldAR, we're not just building structures; we're building a smarter, more collaborative future in construction.

FieldAR Mobile App

Powerful Features

Augmented Reality for Construction

FieldAR is a cutting-edge augmented reality app suite for the construction industry. Our mobile app for iOS and Android empowers everyone on your job site to harness the accuracy of up-to-date Building Information Models (BIM) to prevent rework, and stay on schedule.

2-Way Data from Site to BIM

The FieldAR mobile app, web dashboard, and plugins for Autodesk Navisworks and Revit enable a constant real-time connection between activities on your jobsite that link back to the BIM. A single source of truth for QA/QC during and after construction.

The Easiest, and Most Advanced Augmented Reality Toolset

Our patent-pending alignment method for calibrating your 3D models and BIM to the real-world project site enables ease of use for everyone in the field. Any superintendent, project manager, or tradesman can install the FieldAR mobile app, and scan a QR target at your project site to view the latest BIM in AR. Create field-markups, snap AR dimensions, and much more.

Customer Support

At FieldAR, we provide full customer support to ensure you get the most out of our app, web dashboard, and plugins. Our team is available 24/7 to answer any questions and provide assistance, even on the most complex jobs.

Who is FieldAR for?

Construction Managers

Construction Management

For construction managers, FieldAR serves as an invaluable tool for real-time oversight and quality control. By integrating augmented reality with BIM, construction managers can supervise projects with unprecedented precision. They can view planned structures overlaid onto physical sites, allowing for accurate tracking of progress and early detection of potential discrepancies. This technology facilitates better decision-making, streamlines communication among teams, and significantly reduces the risk of costly errors and delays, ensuring projects stay on schedule and within budget.

Trade Contractors

Trade Contractors

For trade contractors, precision is key, and FieldAR offers just that. With the ability to overlay detailed BIM models onto the physical job site, contractors can ensure their work aligns exactly with the coordinated plans. This not only helps in avoiding installation errors but also in verifying that their work complies with the specified designs. The technology aids in visualizing complex installations, reducing the time and cost associated with rework, and improving overall craftsmanship.


Architects + Engineers

Architects and engineers can utilize FieldAR to bring their designs to life on the actual construction site. This technology allows them to visualize their plans in a real-world context, ensuring that their designs are being accurately followed. It also enables them to spot and rectify potential design issues before they become problematic during construction. By providing a tangible view of how designs integrate with the physical environment, FieldAR enhances the collaboration between architects, engineers, and construction teams, leading to more efficient and precise project execution.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management

FieldAR is a game-changer for facilities management teams. Post-construction, the app allows them to overlay the final BIM onto the real-world site, making it easier to locate and manage building components like equipment, valves, and control panels. This capability is crucial for routine maintenance, renovations, or troubleshooting, as it provides instant access to detailed information about the building's inner workings. By enhancing the visibility and accessibility of building data, FieldAR streamlines the management and operational efficiency of completed facilities.

Chat with us today to learn more about how your projects can benefit from FieldAR!

About Us

Our Story

FieldAR emerged from the collective expertise and insights of a team deeply rooted in the construction industry. With a shared background spanning various roles including VDC engineering, BIM management, and drafting, our team observed critical inefficiencies and challenges in traditional construction processes.


Despite detailed BIM coordination efforts, mismatches between plans and on-site executions often led to unnecessary delays and increased costs. These industry-wide observations sparked the idea for FieldAR, an innovative augmented reality platform designed to align real-world construction with digital planning.


Our technology democratizes access to BIM, enabling on-site workers to overlay and interact with detailed BIM models in their actual environment. This approach aims to reduce errors, adhere more closely to planned designs, and enhance overall collaboration.


At FieldAR, our story is shaped by a collective ambition to leverage technology for transforming construction into a more efficient and accurate practice, rooted in teamwork and shared industry experience.


Kyle Szostek

Founder, Lead Dev

Businessman Portrait

Ivan Klymenko

Front-End Dev


Chief Lunch Inspector

Our Team

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